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Chief Executive Officer

Carrie Charles

Carrie Charles

CEO Carrie Charles brings a diversified background to Broadstaff. Through her leadership the company has established itself as the preeminent leader in telecom and wireless staffing.

What drives you to succeed? I came from humble beginnings, growing up in a trailer park with a single mother who was a housekeeper. I would go to work with her and pretend I lived in the beautiful homes she cleaned. I told myself, “Someday, I will live in a house like this.” From a young age, I had something to prove, to the world and to myself. I wanted to show people that anything was possible and help them triumph over adversity. What drives me every day is my love for people, making a difference and creating my own freedom.

What is the best piece of advice you would give to young women just starting out their careers? Feeling uncomfortable is the access to growth. Ignore that little voice in your head that tells you you are not enough. Don’t let fear stop you. Let go of perfection. Success is a messy — it’s made up of failure, sacrifice and frustration. Learn to bounce back quickly and build mental toughness. Say yes to opportunity even when you feel unqualified. Put your faith above all else and remember, your voice matters.

What are your goals (personal and/or professional) for the next year? Take my company to $10 million in revenue, launch a new podcast, remodel our house to fit an empty-nest lifestyle, travel to Italy, become active with the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation and most importantly, spend quality time with my kids.

What do you do for fun or to relax? I live a healthy lifestyle, exercising seven days/week, eating super healthy and meditating to keep the stress away. On weekends, I paddleboard, cycle, go boating and travel to fun places with my fiancé. And when my kids are home from college, I spend as much time with them as possible.

Videos by Carrie Charles



“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you’ll work until you die.”

Warren Buffett